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Carver's Reach project helping to save rare pine tree

More than 170 years after the first white settlers carved out a living as timber getters to help feed the region’s insatiable demand for new railways, a new $130 million residential community on Brisbane’s southside is helping bring back the rare pine trees they nearly loved to extinction.


The 600-lot Carver’s Reach ( project at Park Ridge, commenced construction today (June 18) with Federal Member for Forde Bert van Manen and representatives of developer Golden Gate Property, sales and marketing agents Oliver Hume and principal contractor Shadforth’s marking the occasion by planting the first of hundreds of new Bailey’s Cypress Pine trees earmarked for the project.


The local population of the Bailey’s Cypress Pine has been steadily eroded over the last 170 years due to logging, the impact of invasive weeds like lantana and, more recently, their harvesting as native Christmas trees.


As part of the planning for Carver’s Reach the developer identified the Bailey’s Cypress Pine was amongst the Threatened Plants of Logan as a rare species – one stop short of Endangered.


As well as re-planting the threatened species, Carver’s Reach will preserve local heritage with historic walking trails, conserve remnant forest with biodiversity corridors and develop more than 6ha of parklands.


Golden Gate Property Director of Development David Whiteman said the Bailey’s Cypress Pine had become an important focus throughout the planning of the project.


“As part of the construction of Carver’s Reach we want to do our bit to help this incredible species recover and will be planting and nurturing hundreds of seedlings,” he said. “Over time they will grow into living reminders of our debt to the land and the important role the trees played in our history.”


The Carver’s Reach project is spread over 50ha at Park Ridge, 32 kilometres from the Brisbane CBD in the heart of the city’s southern growth corridor. The first stage, the Jarrah Release, includes 67 homesites ranging in size from 313sqm to 808sqm with prices starting from $203,000.


The first homesites are expected to settle in early 2020 with first residents due to move in mid 2020.


Oliver Hume has been appointed as the sales and marketing agent for the project while local construction company Shadforth has been appointed to undertake civil works.


Oliver Hume Chief Operating Officer Julian Coppini said it was an ideal time to be bringing new projects to the market.


“Since the Federal election we have noticed a strong surge in the level of enquiries for projects around the country,” he said. “Buyers, including first home buyers, and investors, are feeling much more confident in the market, and their ability to get finance.”


“Some of our projects have experienced a 40% increase since the election and while it is a bit early to say if the increased enquiry will convert into sales, there is reason to be optimistic.”


“Golden Gate has done an excellent job of creating a unique project that will appeal to a range of buyers and we are confident it will popular.”


The Park Ridge area, which is inclusive of Boronia Heights, has a forecasted population of 29,987 by 2036 representing an increase of over 20,000 residents since the 2016 census. Increasing the current population by 137% over a 20-year period.


Carver’s Reach

140 Park Ridge Road, Park Ridge

1800 514 883


Price: Homesites from $203,000

Size: First stage homesites available from 313-808sqm


Tags: Sales New development Community